Turmeric Ginger Dressing

Turmeric Ginger Dressing Recipe

Looking to uplift your salad dressing? This Turmeric Ginger Dressing has inflammation modulating, free-radical scavenging health benefits and a beautiful bright color with a lovely-uplifting flavor too.

~½ cup
Juice of ½ an organic lemon
6 tablespoons Natural Grocers® Brand Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon Natural Grocers Brand Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
1-inch knob of organic ginger, (about 1 tablespoon roughly chopped)
1 small knob organic turmeric, (about 2 teaspoons roughly chopped); or ½ teaspoon Natural Grocers Brand Bulk Organic Ground Turmeric
2 tablespoons Natural Grocers Brand Organic Grade A Dark Maple Syrup
1 tablespoon Natural Grocers Brand Bulk Organic Chia Seeds
1⁄2 teaspoon Natural Grocers Brand Bulk Real Salt

1. Blend all of the dressing ingredients, except the chia seeds, in a blender or with an immersion blender until smooth. Taste and adjust salt and maple syrup as desired. Stir in the chia seeds and drizzle over your favorite salad greens.