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368 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
United States
ApeelTM and OrganipeelTM do not meet our high standards, therefore, we do not allow any produce coated with it on our shelves.
We sell only 100% organic produce because our communities deserve the best, because our health, the health of the planet that we all share, and a healthy economy depend on it.
It's not just about the Dirty DozenTM to us, it's about every piece of produce. It's about the health of our waterways, the health of our soils, the health of farmers and farm workers, the health of the birds and the bees, the health of our neighbors, our friends and families, the health of our children, our children's children, and the next generations to come. These things matter, they matter an awful lot and we care a whole awful lot. That's why we sell only 100% organic produce... not 95%, not 80%, not 50%, not 5%. We do not fund conventional agriculture and all its associated destructive problems one little bit.
When you buy your produce from us, you are saying NO to synthetic pesticides, genetically modified (bioengineered) organisms (GMOs), polluted waterways, and dying soils. We are proud to take this stand for the health and wellbeing of our communities and to be the change that we ALL want to see in the world.
Because all our produce is 100% organic, unlike at other retailers, you don't have to worry about your organic produce getting contaminated with synthetic pesticide residues from, or it getting comingled with, conventional/GMO produce. Additionally, we are proud that all our stores are Certified Organic Handlers. This means that our stores are inspected annually by an organic certifying agency to ensure that we are only using organic approved processes and cleaning products. This certification, plus our commitment to selling only 100% organic produce, guarantees the integrity of your produce from the farm to your basket to your table, providing you with authenticity you can trust whenever you shop with us.
Any food labeled and sold as organic in the US means it must meet the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) Organic Standards and is certified by an inspection agency as having met these standards – whether it is grown here or abroad. (So, when you see a product labeled as organic it means it is certified organic, it does not have to state certified organic.) An important provision of these standards is that organic products may not use genetically modified (bioengineered) organisms (GMO), making organic products naturally GMO free. Additionally, USDA Organic Standards prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, sewage sludge and irradiation. Instead, they ensure practices that promote and enhance soil vitality and carbon sequestration, biological cycles, biodiversity and animal welfare. (You can read more about the USDA Organic Standards here.)
Let's commit to a world where our soils are healthy. Where soil can sequester carbon, where it can absorb water. Research shows that organic agricultural methods can restore soil health which means the soil can sequester CO2, helping to combat climate change. And, it can absorb the water it needs, helping to prevent soil erosion and reverse desertification — a growing issue around the world and in the US where 40% of the country is at risk.
Studies show that organic produce is higher in beneficial nutrients, especially antioxidants and other special phytonutrients like polyphenols and carotenoids.1 Additionally, research indicates it is lower in problematic nutrients, like heavy metals, such as cadmium (carcinogenic and hepatotoxic) and it is significantly less likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues.1 Organic agricultural practices are also more likely to be regenerative, protect the health of farmers, farm workers, and farming communities, reduce down-stream pollutants, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They also support a healthier, more robust economy. Organic "hot-spots," areas of the US where organic agriculture is practiced, have an overall higher annual income including those not involved in organic agriculture, then areas where conventional agriculture methods are the norm.2
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24968103
2. Marasteanu, I., & Jaenicke, E. (2018). Economic impact of organic agriculture hotspots in the United States. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-22. doi:10.1017/S1742170518000066
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