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368 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
United States
There is nothing like coming home after a long day’s work and enjoying a meal with your loved ones. However, not all families — including families in your community — can afford to buy food to feed their families. In fact, more than 40 million Americans were food insecure at some time in 2017. That means they were uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, enough food to meet their needs because they had insufficient money or other resources for food.1
Each time you shop at one of our stores, be sure to bring your own bags — any bag — and we’ll donate five cents per shopping trip to your local food bank. Not only are you supporting your local food bank’s efforts, you are also reducing your carbon footprint by keeping bags out of the environment.
Since beginning our disposable bag-free checkout program, our customers have helped feed families in their communities and have prevented more than 550 million plastic bags from ending up in the environment.
As of September 2022, we have donated over $1.5million dollars to local food banks (and prevented an estimated 500 million bags from ending up in landfills)
Access Food Bank |
Arkansas Food Bank |
Billings Food Bank |
Cache Food Pantry |
Catholic Community Services Food Bank |
Central Community Missouri Food Bank |
Channel One Regional Food Bank |
Clark County Food Bank |
Colorado Care and Share Food Bank |
Comm Food Bank of Eastern OK |
Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona |
Community Food Share |
Cornerstone Outreach |
Durango Food Bank |
Flathead Food Bank |
Food Bank of Iowa |
Food Bank of Larimer County |
Food Bank of Lincoln |
Food Bank of NE Arkansas |
Food Bank of Northern Nevada |
Food Bank of the Rockies |
Food Bank of W Central Texas |
Food For Lane County |
Great Plains Food Bank |
Harvesters - The Community Network |
Helena Food Share |
Helping Hands Ministry Belton |
Hope Food Pantry |
Idaho Food Bank |
JUST FOOD Food Bank |
Linn Community Food Bank |
Missoula Food Bank |
NE Iowa Food Bank |
Neighboor Impact |
Network of Community Ministry |
North Texas Food Bank |
Northern Arizona Food Bank |
NW Arkansas Food Bank |
Oregon Food Bank |
Regional East Texas Food Bank |
River Bend Food Bank |
Roadrunner Food Bank |
San Antonio Food Bank |
Santa Fe Food Depot |
Second Harvest Food Bank |
Second Harvest Food Bank-SJ |
Sedona Comm. Food Bank |
Sharing Ministries |
South Plains Food Bank |
St. Mary's Food Bank |
Summit County CO Senior Program |
Tarrant Area Food Bank |
The Garden of Eden |
Three Sqaure Food Bank |
Utah Food Bank |
Watered Gardens Ministry |
Weld Food Bank |
West Texas Food Bank |
Wichita Falls Area Food Bank |
Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies |
Yavapai Food Bank |
The Food Depot |
Delancey Street Foundation |
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