Natural Grocers

Enter your details to join {N}power

Please provide the information requested below to access all the great features of {N}power. Use the phone number you provide below when checking out at your Natural Grocers. Click here to learn more about the benefits of {N}power

*Required information

A valid email address is required to receive the latest {N}power offers. We respect your privacy and will never sell or share your information with anyone. Please read our privacy policy for more information.
A 10 digit phone number is required. This is the number that you will enter at the register to redeem offers, coupons and more. We respect your privacy and will never sell or share your information with anyone. Please read our privacy policy for more information.

Tips for a strong password:

  • At least 8 characters—the more characters, the better.
  • A mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • A mixture of letters and numbers.
  • Inclusion of at least one special character, e.g., ! @ # ? ]

By creating an account, you agree to the terms.

The welcome offer is limited to one offer per customer. Submission of your valid phone number and email is required upon sign up.