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Getting a healthy dose of vitamin N—or nature—each day is arguably one of the best things we can do for our mental health, physical health, and overall wellbeing. But what if the physical spaces in which we choose to recreate, walk our dog, or let our child play soccer inadvertently harm the health we are trying to improve? That is often the stark reality thanks to the common practice of using pesticides in local parks and playing fields.
Natural Grocers is putting their foot down (on pesticide-free grass, of course) and saying “no more”—no more to synthetic pesticides being used in public spaces, no more because of the countless known harmful effects of pesticides on the environment, human health, pet health, and the health of the pollinators we rely on. While partnering with Beyond Pesticides, a non-profit advocacy and grassroots organization, we have created the Ladybug Love Our Neighborhoods campaign to raise awareness in our communities and to directly help local parks, schools, and businesses convert their outdoor spaces to pesticide-free zones.
Your donations have allowed Beyond Pesticides to begin the process of transitioning parks and playing fields to organic management practices at new sites in Montana, Texas, and Utah, with more to come!
Lakewood, CO
Grinnell, IA
Missoula, MT
Midway, UT
Denton, Texas
Longmont, CO
Spokane, WA
Springfield, OR
Eugene, OR
Tempe, AZ
Tucson, AZ
Kansas City, MO
Golden, CO
Golden, CO
Golden, CO
Austin, TX
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