Green Tea Cherry Lemonade

Green Tea Cherry Lemonade Recipe
Hot summer weather calls for cool summer drinks, but how about something that not only tastes deliciously refreshing, but is good4u, too?!
4 (8-ounce) servings
1 1⁄2 cups cherry juice
1⁄2 cup organic lemon juice (from 3-4 medium organic lemons)
1⁄4 cup green tea simple syrup, see recipe below
2 cups sparkling water
4 slices organic lemon, optional for garnish

Green Tea Simple Syrup Recipe

Mix the cherry juice, lemon juice, and simple syrup until combined. Add the sparkling water and gently stir. Serve immediately over ice, if desired. Garnish with lemon slices.

per one serving

109 kcal28 g0 g1 g0 g