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368 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
United States
Sweet and a little salty with lots of crunch, these bars transform good4u nuts into a delicious dessert or healthy snack for all your physical activities. They are easy to make, only require a few ingredients, and store well for your adventures. The bars are delicious without the chocolate too, so feel free to leave it off if you prefer.
1. Preheat oven to 325°. Line an 8 x 8-inch baking dish with a piece of parchment that overhangs two opposite sides (so you can hold onto the paper to lift them out later).
2. Mix the nuts, maple syrup, and salt together in a medium bowl, until all the nuts are coated in the maple syrup.
3. Pour the nuts into the prepared baking dish and use the back of a large spoon to press the nuts evenly into the pan.
4. Bake for 30 minutes. Note: Because ovens vary, your bars may need to cook a few minutes less or more. Begin checking at 27 minutes and cook until the top is lightly toasted and you can’t see liquid maple syrup bubbling up through the nuts.
5. Allow the bars to cool for about 10 minutes then sprinkle the chocolate chips over bars in the pan. Wait 4-5 minutes until the chips are melted and use a spatula or the back of a spoon to spread the melted chocolate evenly over the bars.
6. Let the bars cool completely and the chocolate set before gently pulling the mixture out of the dish using the overhanging parchment paper, then cut into eight bars. (If your chocolate is not fully set after an hour of cooling on the counter, you can transfer the dish to the refrigerator to speed up the setting process.)
7. Store in an airtight container.
Optional fancy chocolate topping for the most picture worthy bars (will add 20 minutes): Allow the bars to cool at least one hour before gently pulling the mixture out of the dish using the overhanging parchment paper and then cut into eight bars. Melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler or in a microwave-safe dish in 20 second intervals stirring between each interval. Transfer the parchment you used to bake the bars to a cookie sheet or large plate. Dip the bottom of each bar into the chocolate then set on the parchment, chocolate-side down. Transfer the remaining melted chocolate into a piping bag or a plastic baggie with a small corner cut off. Pipe the melted chocolate over the top of the bars in any pattern you like. Allow the chocolate to set completely, this can be sped up by placing the bars in the refrigerator.
per one bar with chocolate
Calories | Carbohydrates | Protein | Fat | Fiber |
260 kcal | 20 g | 5 g | 20 g | 3 g |
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