High-Protein Chocolate Pudding

High-Protein Chocolate Pudding

With a raspberry and hard shell topping

A delicious and fun way to get your chocolate fix and your protein at the same time! Cottage cheese and protein powder are blended into a creamy-smooth, protein-packed “pudding” and then covered with sweet and tangy raspberries and an easy-to-make magic shell topping. Cracking into the chocolate top of this pudding is so satisfying, and the high protein content makes this snack satisfying for your body too!

For the Pudding
1 cup organic cottage cheese
2 tablespoons of Natural Grocers® Brand Chocolate Bone Broth Protein Powder or Plant Protein Powder
2 tablespoons Natural Grocers Brand Organic Grade A Dark Maple Syrup
1 1⁄2 tablespoons Natural Grocers Brand Bulk Organic Cocoa Powder
1 1⁄2 tablespoons Natural Grocers Brand Bulk Almond Butter
For the topping
1⁄3 cup Natural Grocers Brand Organic Frozen Raspberries, thawed
1⁄4 cup Natural Grocers Brand Bulk Organic Fair-Trade Bitter or Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
2 teaspoons Natural Grocers Brand Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  1. Blend the cottage cheese, protein powder, maple syrup, cocoa powder, and almond butter in a food processor until smooth. If it looks gritty, blend some more.
  2. Transfer the pudding to serving containers (parfait glasses, 4- or 8-ounce mason jars, teacups, ramekins, etc.).
  3. Mash the raspberries a little and then use a fork or slotted spoon to divide them evenly among each serving of pudding, leaving as much raspberry juice behind as possible. Gently spread the raspberries to cover the pudding.
  4. Melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil until smooth in the microwave in 15 second intervals, stirring between each interval, or in a double boiler on the stove top, stirring occasionally. Once the chocolate is smooth, use a spoon to drizzle a thin layer of chocolate over each serving, completely covering the raspberries.
  5. Allow the pudding to cool in the freezer until the shell has firmed up, about 10 minutes. Or for a firmer textured pudding, allow it to cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour and up to five days. Crack the shell and enjoy!

per serving using 4% fat cottage cheese

219 kcal18 g11 g13 g3 g