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Natural Grocers' Nutrition Education team, consisting of health and wellness experts ranging from Registered Dietitians to Certified Natural Foods Chefs, collaborated with our purchasing and analytics team to study consumer shopping preferences and the latest research to predict these rising and shifting trends for 2023. Give one or more of these a try and see what works for you in 2023!
It’s safe to say we have all been feeling a bit (or maybe a lot) stressed, anxious, and/or depressed over the last few years. The happy news is that the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are a sure way to support our brains in alllll the ways.
Studies show that people with higher levels of EPA and DHA are less likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders,1 and people who already struggle with these conditions can greatly improve their symptoms when they increase their intake of EPA and DHA.2 Now those are benefits that should put you in a good mood!
Try this trend: View pricing and availability for Carlson Fish Oil products.
Increasingly, people are realizing that daily digestive discomfort is in fact, not normal. Digestive comfort and gut health were the most requested topics for one-on-one coaching sessions with Natural Grocers’ Nutritional Health Coaches (NHCs) in 2022, and new data from a Garden of Life survey reveals almost all of us—89 percent—report that digestive issues are keeping us from feeling our best.3
This trend couldn’t come at a better time, as many Americans are seeking to incorporate comprehensive gut support into their routines—44 percent of Americans report taking supplements over the last 12 months in hopes of improving their gut health.1 In 2023, consumers will try different methods to support gut health and digestive comfort, from incorporating foods rich in prebiotic fibers, to probiotic and digestive enzyme supplementation, to managing stress.
Try this trend: View pricing and availability for Poppi Sparkling Prebiotic Sodas.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been trendy for a few years now. Research shows that taking it with or before meals supports balanced insulin levels and lowers post-meal blood sugar levels, important for maintaining healthy weight and general overall health.4 And it has long been used to support healthy digestion when things like stress5 and aging6 slow down acid production in the stomach, making it difficult to digest food.
But even with these known benefits, many health enthusiasts simply can’t quite muster the courage to try it out because, blegh. However, modern nutrition science has brought us a plethora of ways to take ACV, beyond a straight shot in your water. 2023 will be the year to finally try out the science-backed benefits of ACV in the form of a wellness shot, sparkling drink, or even in a capsule.
Try this trend: View pricing and availability for the Kor Gut Check Shots.
In 2023, consumers will be lowering their plastic footprint one bottle at a time. Solid body care products are more environmentally friendly than your typical bottled shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and lotions. These solid bars are plastic free and sometimes completely packaging free, the bars are made with less water than liquid versions, and they even last longer.
If you think you can’t adjust to a solid version of your standard product, think again! As the market for these products has grown, the quality has improved with it. Bar shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and soaps are just as effective and luxurious as your liquid standbys, and you can find one that suits your every need. Set the bar high and check out some quality shampoo and conditioner bars like those from HiBAR, or bar lotion from Moon Valley Organics.
Try this trend: View pricing and availability for HiBAR solid body care products.
Consumer research shows that demand for ingestible body care is rising as people take a more holistic approach to skin care. A recent survey7 of women aged 30 and up found that 30 percent of respondents said they had bought an ingestible skincare product in the last year—almost DOUBLE the percentage that did so in 2017. The figure rose to 57 percent in the 25- to 34-year-old group.
While these supplements will surely help us look our best, they’ll also support other areas of health, especially those crucial for healthy aging. In 2023, we’ll see consumers learning about more ways to support that healthy glow from within, while also seeing a rise in demand for supplement products that contain ingredients like collagen or antioxidants to support holistic skin health.
Try this trend: View pricing and availability for Vital Proteins Beauty Collagen products.
The average menstruating person uses 12,000 to 15,000 disposable period products in their lifetime.8 In 2023, not only will we continue to reduce the societal stigma around speaking about menstruation, we will also turn to more eco-friendly period products. An easy first step is to choose products made with organic cotton to avoid pesticide residues found in conventional cotton products, as well as to support organic farming methods. Another simple swap, especially if you prefer tampons, is to choose those that are free of plastic applicators.
We’ll also see a growing awareness and interest in menstrual cups. Not only do menstrual cups typically last up to five years, making them a more eco-friendly and inexpensive way to manage periods, but they’re also healthier. A British Medical Journal article9 showed that menstrual cups reduced the prevalence of vaginal bacterial infections and improved monitoring of menstrual flow to help manage heavy menstrual bleeding. Authors also referenced a trial in which 91 percent of women randomized to the menstrual cup group were willing to continue to use the cup after the study period and to recommend it to others.
Try this trend: View pricing and availability for The Honey Pot products.
The notion of zero-waste cooking means trying to leave behind as little food and packaging waste as possible when cooking and eating. It includes the old dictum “reduce, reuse, recycle”: Reduce by using less unnecessary ingredients and cooking smaller portions to avoid excessive leftovers that will end up in the trash; Reuse by repurposing old food scraps instead of throwing them out; And recycle by composting leftover food scraps.
Zero-waste cooking helps you save money and is part of a greater movement to live sustainably and reduce our impact on the planet.
Try this trend: Try a No-Waste Veggie Stock or check out these zero waste hacks with ice cube trays.
In 2023, we’ll see all-in-one products gain in popularity as we work to reduce waste and save money. Think back-to-the-basics, like castile soap and coconut oil, the OG’s when it comes to all-in-one products. One bottle of castile soap can serve as dish soap, laundry detergent, body wash and shampoo, shaving cream, hand soap, dog wash, and a versatile household cleaning product. Use coconut oil for cooking, moisturizing, removing makeup, conditioning wood products like wooden spoons and cutting boards, soothing skin irritations and bug bites, and adding to your coffee for a boost of energy. Stasher bags are a newcomer that fits the bill perfectly—these silicon bags make great toiletry and makeup bags for traveling, packing snacks on-the-go, storing art and craft supplies, freezing veggie scraps for stock (see zero-waste cooking trend!), popping popcorn, organizing small toys, and of course, storing food. Even vitamins can join the trend! Choose a multivitamin or combo formulas that include several nutrients, like a vitamin D & K combo, to replace individual bottles. It’s a win-win, for the environment and your wallet!
Try this trend: View pricing and availability for Natural Grocers Brand Castile Soap, Coconut Oil, and Vitamin D & K combo supplement.
It’s hard to ignore the devastating scenes of ocean life tangled up in plastic waste and the towering mountains that landfills are becoming across the globe. Consumers, now more than ever, believe that brands have a responsibility to create positive environmental change by offering us better options. Not only is there a shifting trend toward more earth-friendly products, but consumers also want those products to be contained in earth-friendly packaging.
This is why in 2023 we’ll continue to see consumers opt for brands that prioritize purposeful packaging. Sustainable food and beverage containers help keep waste out of landfills and oceans, making it simple for consumers to recycle or compost. Thus, we’ll see some of our favorite products transition to forever-recyclable metal or easily-compostable paper packaging.
Try this trend: View pricing and availability for Natural Grocers Brand Spring Water.
The Sober Curious Movement is all about becoming more aware of your drinking habits and developing a healthier relationship with alcohol, which can have huge positive effects on your physical and mental health.
In sync with this sober curious movement, we’ll see individuals taking breaks from alcohol and spending time in social settings without drinking, or choosing alcohol-free libations. Sober curious yourself? Try out one of many refreshing and fun spirit-free drink recipes. Offer a fun DIY alcohol-free drink station for guests at the next social gathering you host. Participating in dry January is another popular way to take a temporary break from alcohol. Whatever your approach, see how you feel and consider what sober curious means to you.
Try this trend: Explore all of our refreshing beverage recipes to find a new alcohol-free favorite.
Is it just us, or does it seem like snacks have gotten a little out of control? So many snacks nowadays are turbo-charged with herbs, vitamins, or other supplement-style nutrients that it’s hard to really know what’s in our granola bar. Amidst all the functional foods hubbub, in 2023 consumers are opting for the simpler choice by going back to real food.
Let’s let supplements be supplements and food be food. This year we’ll see a rise in snacks made from familiar ingredients (aka, food!) that also provide plenty of protein to keep us energized. Snacks like jerky, trail mixes, nuts, and seeds are protein powered and on the rise. Packed with nutrition, easy to pack and transport for whatever your day requires, and reliably delicious, these snacks are sure to be trendy for a long time.
Try this trend: We've made snacking easy, try one of Natural Grocers Brand Organic Beef Jerky flavors found at a Natural Grocers Near you.
While we all know that the foundation of a healthy diet is built on an abundance of vegetables, quality proteins, and healthy fats, we all deserve a treat now and then. In 2023, it will be easier than ever to indulge sensibly with upgraded versions of familiar comfort foods.
Love soda? Try a probiotic fizzy Poppi drink instead. Love ice cream? Try an Alden’s Organic 100 calorie mini ice cream sandwich. Love savory snacks? Check out literally any product in the chip aisle by Siete Foods. Maybe your sensible indulgence is a well-earned glass of wine? Grab one that’s certified organic or biodynamic. Whatever your comfort foods look like, in 2023 you’ll find a version that does the trick while also being just a little bit better.
Try this trend: View pricing and availability for Alden's Organic Mini Ice Cream Sandwhiches.
A trend that stands alone while also touching every other trend this year will be a new way of eating called the Regenivore Diet. Eating like a regenivore means making food choices that support your health and the health of the planet. Of course, it involves building delicious, healthy, and satisfying meals that provide essential nutrients the body needs to function optimally and support healthy blood sugar balance. But eating this way also supports the planet’s health, because it emphasizes nourishing foods that are grown by farmers and ranchers who prioritize practices that sustain and regenerate the soil, water, biodiversity, and the overall ecosystem in which they function. This includes foods that are organic, non-GMO, regeneratively grazed, humanely raised, and sustainably sourced. What’s not to love about that!? After all, the Earth is what we all have in common, and sustaining and regenerating the land is essential for not only providing for us today, but for generations to come.
Try this trend: Learn more on how to eat for your health & the health of the planet in 7 simple steps.
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