Letter From the Iselys - September 2024

Howdy, Friends!

Welcome to September, which we lovingly call Organic Month around here! If you're reading this, you’re probably on board with organic, or maybe you're organic-curious. Perhaps it's our non-GMO bulk department or Natural Grocers Brand organic Belgian chocolate bars that keep you interested in our brand (we get it—this writer could, in fact, be snacking on one right now). We're sorry we can't share a piece of chocolate at the moment, but we would love to share why we're so committed to supporting certified organic, always.


Image of a person kneeling in a farm and USDA Organic Badge


We've been advocates of organic agriculture long before it was officially regulated by the USDA. Our original produce department was 100% organic, even though that little green and white seal wasn't yet a reality. Why? Because producing food without relying on toxic chemicals such as synthetic pesticides and fertilizers makes good health sense to us, and we have a fiery passion for health—for people and the planet. We believe those two concepts are inseparable, so we've supported 100% organic produce ever since our first bunch of spinach was available for purchase by our neighbors.

Our current organic system isn't a perfect system, because, in all honesty, what is? It is a work in progress. However, we believe it is the most transparent verification of food quality and agricultural practices we currently have available. It provides traceability and accountability that conventional food production lacks, and certifications are proof to us, and you. We choose organic for many reasons, but here are some foundational ways it benefits your health and the planet.

  • Soil health is nurtured
  • Biodiversity is enhanced
  • Bees and other pollinators are protected
  • Water is cleaner
  • Energy use is reduced
  • Animal welfare standards are higher
  • Prophylactic use of antibiotics isn’t allowed
  • Organic systems are more resilient
  • GMOs are not allowed, making it naturally non-GMO

You may have heard many of these reasons before, and that's a good thing, because making better choices for healthier communities and a healthy planet results from repetition. This is why we'll keep reminding ourselves and our neighbors about the benefits of organic agriculture. It's also why we're committed to making it as affordable as possible—because we believe everyone should have access to healthy, organic options. And finally, although this isn't scientifically verified, we think organic chocolate is extra delicious!

Thanks for letting us share our passion! We'll see you soon!

The Isely Family