Fresh Like Water - Try infusing your water with your favorite veggies and fruits, like cucumber, fresh herbs and watermelon. It’s fun for the whole family!
Steam Like Greens - Lightly steam or sauté your greens with fresh grated ginger and chopped onion and pineapple. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and add fresh orange juice. Drizzle with a little maple syrup for a sweet surprise.
Smooth Like Smoothies - Use a base of sweeter fruit like apples, pears, pineapple, bananas and dates, then add veggies. For an extra kick, add ginger and cinnamon. It’s smooth sailing in taste and nutrition!
Cool Like Raw - Use water-based veggies for a crisp, cool salad—such as cucumber and tomatoes, with a dash of finely minced dandelion greens, fennel and dill weed. Toss with apple cider vinegar, olive oil, Celtic sea salt, oregano and pepper. Add pumpkin seeds for some crunch.
Earthy Like Soil - Don’t waste your produce scraps—give back to the soil! Blend them up with some water and pour over your outdoor plants. Your plants can Fall in Love with Organic Veggies, too.