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368 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
United States
Stressful times call for relaxing rituals that you can enjoy from the comfort of home without adding a burden to your budget! And that’s exactly why we’ve brought Natural Grocers Brand Epsom Salt Bath & Foot Soaks to the neighborhood.
These relaxation-focused blends are made delightfully aromatic with essential oils, are cruelty free, and crafted without phthalates, parabens, artificial colors, or synthetic fragrances. There is also an unscented variety, if you prefer. They meet all USP Pharmaceutical Grade purity requirements, and most importantly—they are Always Affordable℠ so that you can enjoy many soaks, all at a calming price. Now cue up a soothing playlist, grab a favorite book, a candle or two, and the Natural Grocers Brand Soak that speaks to you, and create a de-stressing ritual you can’t wait to repeat.
A flash of orange and a soft fluttering sound brings the good4u gang gathering round, with every single ear and eye trained on our friend Bella—the Butterfly. Because she’s just come home from her winter migration with stories to wake up any sleepy imagination, as she tells of her miles-long trek to Mexico in an enthusiastic whisper that makes us all want to go. She describes the brilliant color that fills the skies from the gathering of millions of Monarch butterflies and how the weight of these creatures, as light as a breeze, collectively bends the branches of the Oyamel trees. When her last whimsical tale finally unravels, we ask what folks can do to help butterflies in their travels. Oh yes, she says delightedly, while flapping her wings excitedly—grow late-blooming native plants in your gardens or pots, like Asters, Black-eyed-Susan’s, and Goldenrods. And never spray your lawn with a synthetic herbicide, which is quite harmful to insects far and wide. Now Bella is busy spreading cheer to all our neighbors far and near, and she hopes that when you hear the flutter of her wings, you’ll remember to treat yourself to relaxing things.
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