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Happy spring! We hope you’re finding the time to step outside and relax in the flower-scented embrace of an April afternoon. And as we imagine each of us finding a spot in the sunshine to sit and read for a moment, we’d like to share a wish for this Earth Month.
May we go in search of the things that make us feel connected to this big, beautiful planet we call home and to the people we share it with! Let's dig our fingers into the soil. Plant seeds, roll in the grass, dip our toes in the water. Notice the dandelions growing between the cracks in the sidewalk. Let’s sit still long enough to hear the birds chirping, see the ladybugs and bees doing their thing, breathe in the fresh air, and watch the world go by.
All simple things, but perhaps in these moments, when we feel soft warmth on our skin, the bright promise of spring, maybe it’s then that the things inside connect—our hearts to our brains to our actions. Because these simple pleasures remind us that we each have skin in the game, in the future of our planet. And, however insignificant we may feel, it’s still up to us to preserve this place we call home. To ensure there will be grass to roll in, trees to lean on, and soil to plant in for those who come after.
And perhaps, the more of those simple moments we indulge in, the more frequently they will tap us on the shoulder, reminding us of the actions we can each take to help our planet heal. Maybe they will influence us to do the critical, if seemingly small, things more often—to waste less, repurpose more, and purchase more thoughtfully. To be invested in learning how our food is produced and why it matters—its true cost to the health of people, animals, and the planet. To close the gaps between how we live our daily lives and what the earth requires to heal.
So, neighbors, this April, may we be energized by the small things to collectively make a big difference in regenerating our planet. Because hope for the future that's rooted in understanding the impact of our daily choices and fueled by the power of choosing better— we believe that has more endurance than fear!
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