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368 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
United States
“The mole was bewitched… and when tired at last he sat on the bank, while the river still chattered on to him, a babbling procession of the best stories in the world, sent from the heart of the earth to be told at last to the insatiable sea.” – Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
Nature does tell the best stories and we’re excited for April because it’s a month to celebrate those stories. Earth Day is right around the corner, and we feel energized by this time of global collaboration around healing our planet. The 2019 official Earth Day theme is “Protect Our Species,” because insects, birds, and other animals are in danger, facing rates of extinction much higher than what’s considered “normal.” It’s up to us to change the narrative, and we want to think about how to make it Earth Day every day so “the best stories in the world” will continue to be told. Here are some of the ways we can make an impact:
Some of the primary causes linked to species decline lie in the tangled web of industrial agriculture: monoculture crops, synthetic pesticides, and habitat loss. The irony is that they happen because of one another. Monoculture cropping destroys biodiversity, getting rid of native plants and driving out native species. It weakens the soil, which results in increased use of toxic chemicals. The chemical cocktails leach into the surrounding environment through water, soil, and air. Habitats are destroyed. It’s a vicious cycle, but organic methods practice the opposite—encouraging biodiversity, prohibiting toxic chemicals, and preserving habitats. When you choose organic, you’re voting for a more sustainable planet.
Our homes are the opening page in the saga of how to help the planet. Begin by taking the Ladybug Luv Pledge and committing to never use toxic chemicals in your home or garden again.
Our commitment to making it Earth Day 365 days a year is woven throughout our founding principles. It’s why we only sell 100% organic produce, pasture-based dairy humanely raised meats and sustainably sourced seafood. It’s the reason for our bagless checkouts, stringent product standards, and choosing certified organic for our expanding house brand. Earth Day is a reminder that when we work together, big things can happen. Good things. Better-for-the-future things. Join us this April 22nd to take the pledge and enjoy some planet-loving fun. There will be prizes, and some of them involve ladybugs, so we’ll leave you with a final ode to these adorable little creatures.
“How brave a ladybug must be! Each drop of rain is big as she. Can you imagine what you’d do, If raindrops fell as big as you?” –Aileen Fisher
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