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That extra serving of corned beef, the fat slice of chocolate cake, or that nightcap you probably didn’t need. We’ve all done it and we’ve all paid the price, each time swearing we won’t do it again, at least until the holidays roll around or the next Friday happy hour. But the next time you throw caution to the wind, instead of ending up with a food, sugar, or alcohol-induced hangover that wrecks your day, consider taking a couple of the following measures, a round-up of my favorite suggestions for whatever hangover ails ya… that way you can have your cake and eat it too.
Even though people have been getting hangovers and dreaming up cures for them for thousands of years, we still don’t fully understand why alcohol produces hangovers in the first place. Currently, the most plausible explanation is a combined result of dehydration, the effects of acetaldehyde (the toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism) and an increase in inflammatory cytokines.[fn value=1][/fn] [fn value=2][/fn] Unfortunately for sufferers, of all the possible hangover cures out there, very few have any scientific research to back them up. While you can certainly try those sheep eyeballs if you want, a more practical approach might include the following tips that get to the root of the problem.
An alcohol hangover has long been recognized as the outcome of heavy drinking, but you’d be hard pressed to find conclusive scientific research supporting the notion that overindulgence in sugar and heavy, rich foods can also cause a hangover. However, as most of us have felt at one time or another, the headache, grogginess, mood swings, stomach upset, and overall sense of discomfort that sometimes come after overindulgence in certain foods feels an awful lot like that well-researched hangover from alcohol and deserves our attention too.
Unfortunately, because sugar is so particularly pleasing to our taste buds, overindulgence is all too easy. Enjoying a little too much of the sweet stuff can leave you feeling pretty miserable, a feeling not unlike an alcohol-induced hangover. That’s because sugar impacts our bodies far beyond the sweet taste on our tongues. It puts our metabolic system on the blood sugar rollercoaster, and the emotional and physical highs and lows that go with it. To counter the effects of too much sugar try the following tips.
I’ve never felt terrible the next day from eating too much broccoli, but I sure have from overindulging in rich holiday feasts or greasy meals out. Salty, greasy foods like fried foods can be particularly troublesome since they tend to sit in your stomach longer and contribute to water retention and bloating. But overdoing any heavy, rich food, or just eating too much in general, can contribute to the bloating, nausea, stomach upset, and general discomfort of overindulgence. To fight those yucky feelings fast try some of the following simple tips.
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