November is Diabetes Awareness Month.Dr Joan Waters, a licensed naturopathic doctor, will discuss the most common causes of Type 2 diabetes and will offer strategies that you can use at home to minimize your risk of diabetes and restore blood sugar balance if your glucose is already elevated. she will discuss the significance of lab tests for diabetes, their strengths and limitations.Hope you can make it.
Add to Calendar2023-12-09 19:45:002023-12-09 19:45:00Prediabetes and Diabetes
November is Diabetes Awareness Month.Dr Joan Waters, a licensed naturopathic doctor, will discuss the most common causes of Type 2 diabetes and will offer strategies that you can use at home to minimize your risk of diabetes and restore blood sugar balance if your glucose is already elevated. she will discuss the significance of lab tests for diabetes, their strengths and limitations.Hope you can make it.
LocationNatural Grocersjorge.martinez@tallwave.comAmerica/Denverpublic