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This month we’ve been focusing on how to build healthy habits in 10 minutes or less. So far we’ve covered 6 healthy habits that take 10 minutes or less, quick diet upgrades, and how to hit your fitness goals in 10 minutes or less. Today I’ll finish out this series with something lots of us struggle to fit in regularly—meditation. I know how hard it can be—I’ve tried to settle into a meditation routine for years without much success. It wasn’t until recently that I had a realization that allowed me to embrace regular meditation. The secret? Meditation doesn’t have to look like “meditation”.
If you’re anything like I was, you think of meditation as sitting on the floor, with your eyes closed, breathing deeply, and desperately trying to clear your mind. But the truth is there are lots of different meditation styles and, perhaps more importantly, lots of different ways to achieve a meditative state. And it’s that meditative state, quieting the mind by turning attention away from distracting thoughts and to the present moment, which we’re after.
So for those of you who think “meditation” just isn’t for you, throw out your preconceived notions and try one (or all) of the suggestions below and aim for just 10 minutes a day. Once you find the meditation style that is right for your personality and lifestyle and begin making it a regular part of your routine, you’ll realize another truth about meditation—it is actually easy! You’ll even reap some of the benefits of meditation in these short sessions and you’ll begin to build the mental muscle it takes to work up to longer sessions.[fn value=1][/fn] [fn value=2][/fn] [fn value=3][/fn]
Simple breathing exercises are the way to go. Simply find a quiet, comfortable spot, where you can totally relax. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and allow the muscles of your body to relax. Take a smooth, slow inhalation through your nose, filling your belly as you do so. Then, slowly exhale through your nose, emptying the belly. Focus on the breath and how it feels going into and out of your body. Continue this way for 10 minutes (a timer might be helpful here), then slowly open your eyes, take a full body stretch and continue on with your day. For more ideas check out these 10-Minute Meditation Breaks from the Chopra Center.
Dig out those colored pencils and pens and get yourself a coloring book with “reasonably complex geometric patterns”, because that is precisely the type of coloring participants in this study did to achieve lower anxiety levels.
Consider a moving meditation such as tai chi, qigong, yoga or meditative walking, which have shown similar benefits to other styles of meditation.[fn value=4][/fn] [fn value=5][/fn] [fn value=6][/fn]Remember though, this isn’t your traditional exercise—this is exercise for your brain, so the breath should remain slow and steady and the activity should allow you to clear your mind and only focus on the movements being made. For a quick tutorial on breathwalking check out this video.
Take a quick 10 Breath Vacation by closing your eyes and taking 10 slow, deep breaths, while imagining a place that makes you comfortable and happy (perhaps a favorite room or desired vacation destination).
Begin to cultivate mindfulness—the practice of being fully present in the moment—in your everyday activities. A good way to start is to take a rather simple and common task, and allow yourself to be fully present while you perform it. This means no making a mental to-do list or ruminating over a conversation that happened earlier in the day, simply being present. When we allow ourselves to be fully present, everyday tasks such as chopping veggies, sweeping the floor and walking the dog can become a meditative practice.
That’s it, it’s that simple. Just ten minutes a day and you’ll begin to reap some of the many benefits of meditation, and I’ll bet you, you’ll actually be enjoying it!
We’d like to hear from you. Share your successes and tips for making meditation an easy part of everyday life.
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