Xylitol: The Cavity and Infection Prevention Sweetener

Xylitol. You’ve seen it in chewing gums. You’ve brushed your teeth with it. You can even pronounce it. (Zye-li-tall, by the way.) But did you know it has benefits beyond sweetness? Read on to learn about xylitol’s sweet cavity prevention and sinus- and ear-infection protection.

The Details on Xylitol

Xylitol was first discovered in 1891 but didn’t became popular as an alternative sweetener until WWII’s sugar shortages. Since then, we’ve learned that it occurs naturally in small amounts in some foods such as strawberry, raspberry, banana, cauliflower, spinach, mushroom, onion, eggplant, and lettuce.1 Our bodies also produce xylitol, up to 15 grams per day during normal glucose metabolism.2  Xylitol has about half the calories of regular table sugar but is almost equal in sweetness.3 Of the xylitol we ingest, we absorb only about 50%.4 Once absorbed, xylitol is metabolized mainly by the liver.  The xylitol that isn’t absorbed moves into the large intestine where it draws water to the bowel.5 Xylitol that reaches the large intestine can also be fermented by gut bacteria to produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), therefore acting as a prebiotic.6 7 In scientific terms, the molecular structure of xylitol makes it a sugar alcohol, but it is neither a sugar nor an alcohol.

Xylitol’s Sweet Benefits

Cavity Prevention:

Xylitol is best researched and well-known for its beneficial effects on oral health. Of course, when it is used to replace sugar, a known cavity-causing agent, this has a beneficial effect, but xylitol goes beyond a mere sugar replacement. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) bacteria, which build plaque as well as cause cavities and tooth decay, take up xylitol but cannot metabolize it, which impedes their growth. Compared to other sugars, xylitol also reduces the growth of plaque and decreases the number of S. mutans in both the plaque and saliva.8 9 10 Along with creating a less-acidic environment, xylitol makes S.mutans less adhesive and weaker—actually changing the metabolic status of the bacteria in the mouth.11 All this without negatively affecting mouth bacteria known to be beneficial.12

Research on xylitol’s dental benefits began in the 1970s and has found that both short- and longterm use of xylitol in children and adults results in fewer cavities, and fewer decayed, missing, or filled tooth surfaces—all measures of dental health. A 2024 review of 15 studies found that xylitol gum prevented cavities in children better than placebo or no gum.13 A 2022 meta-analysis of 30 studies, estimates that xylitol use reduces the risk of cavities by 17%.14

Ear and Sinus Infection Protection:

Similarly to how xylitol helps prevent cavities, it also appears to prevent ear and sinus infections. Xylitol interferes with the adhesion and metabolism of the bacteria that cause ear and sinus infections; in vitro xylitol stimulates macrophages to produce nitric oxide (a broad spectrum antimicrobial molecule) and it inhibits the formation of biofilms in the oronasal cavity.15 16 Acute otitis media (middle ear infection) in children is common, but some studies have found that regular xylitol use leads to fewer infections and fewer antibiotic prescriptions.17 18 19 A systematic review of 4 trials found that xylitol was generally well accepted as a preventative for otitis media when given five times a day for a total of 10g of xylitol daily.20 In the studies xylitol was administered via gum, lozenge, or syrup, with gum being most consistently effective. 

Xylitol as a nasal rinse appears to improve sinus symptoms in people with chronic rhinosinusitis21 22 23 It was also more effective than saline at reducing nasal symptoms when used after sinus surgery in patients with allergic sensitization.24

Blood Sugar Stability:

Xylitol has long been used in products intended for diabetic patients because it doesn’t cause the abrupt blood sugar and insulin rises and falls that occur with sugar. There is some research to suggest xylitol may influence gut hormones related to hunger and satiety in beneficial ways, and it is known to slow stomach emptying.25 This helps prevent sugar and carbohydrate cravings, helps you to feel full longer, and provides a slow and steady energy release.

Bone Health:

Research is suggesting that xylitol may have a role in bone health. Several animal studies have found that xylitol protects against bone loss related to ovariectomy (a model of menopause) and aging.26 27 28  29 The scientists speculate that xylitol's bone density-enhancing properties are due to its ability to promote intestinal absorption of calcium; however, further research is needed.30 31

How to Use Xylitol

In its crystalline form, xylitol (which can be found in the sweetener section of many grocery stores) can be substituted, teaspoon-for-teaspoon, for regular sugar in most cooking, baking, and beverage applications. The exception is bread-making, since xylitol will not feed yeast. There are also some food products and drinks on the market that contain xylitol. Gum, mints, and toothpaste sweetened with xylitol are easy, convenient, and breath-freshening ways to utilize its cavity-preventing properties, while xylitol-based nasal sprays can be used for ear- and sinus- infection protection. 

To promote optimal dental health, xylitol should be used three to five times a day after meals for a total dose of 5-10 grams per day. Chewing xylitol-sweetened gum appears to be most consistently beneficial in the research, possibly because chewing also increases salivary secretions.32

Is Xylitol Safe?

Xylitol has been safely used for the past 80 years. It is recognized as safe by the FDA and the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Food Additives. Because xylitol, like all sugar alcohols, is not fully absorbed and consequently draws water to the large intestine, it can have a laxative effect. Because of this, the most commonly reported side effect is diarrhea, but gas, bloating, nausea, and tummy rumblings are also reported. These effects are completely reversed once the xylitol is removed and can be mitigated by introducing xylitol slowly, starting with small amounts and working your way up over time, since the bowel is capable of adjusting to the increased xylitol load. Another good practice is to divide your daily xylitol intake up into smaller doses spread throughout the day and to enjoy it with or directly after food.

Xylitol and the other sugar alcohols are polyols, which are the P in the FODMAP acronym. For anyone following a low FODMAP diet, xylitol should be avoided, and it may not be appropriate for people with IBS. 

A 2024 study linking xylitol to adverse cardiovascular effects made headlines, but a closer look reveals that the study doesn’t tell us much about the effects of ingested xylitol on the cardiovascular system. The study, published in the European Heart Journal, reported that higher circulating levels of xylitol are linked with greater cardiovascular risk, including heart attack, stroke, and death.33 The cohort in this study had a very high burden of cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. One of the major flaws of the study was that the researchers did not account for dietary xylitol intake, so we don’t know if the elevated blood xylitol levels were due to xylitol consumption or endogenous production. The researchers themselves state that the high levels are likely due to endogenous production and not food intake. It is known that the pathway through which xylitol is produced in the body is the same pathway that glucose and fructose are metabolized through, which may indicate that elevated xylitol levels are a biomarker of diets high in sugar or conditions that impair blood sugar metabolism—a likely possibility in this cohort.34

The authors of the study went on to test xylitol in vitro, in mice, and in 10 healthy subjects, yet their results still don’t prove any causation of cardiovascular risk by xylitol ingestion. At best this study shows a correlation between endogenously produced xylitol and cardiovascular risk without proving any causality. While it garnered a lot of attention, this study does not change the safety assessment of xylitol.

The human body is not made to take in excessive amounts of any sweet food. Just because something is natural or may offer some health benefits, does not mean balance and moderation should be thrown out the window. Always keep in mind that it is important to keep sweet indulgences to a minimum, no matter the source. And remember that a healthy diet, along with other lifestyle choices, plays a major role in dental health and in the body’s ability to fight infection in the first place.

Xylitol is NOT Safe for Pets!

While xylitol is perfectly safe for humans it should never be given to animals or pets. It can cause a life-threatening drop in blood sugar or liver damage. Dogs, rabbits, and ferrets are pets of particular concern, but goats, pigs, baboons, and cows are also known to be susceptible. It only takes a small amount, 0.1 gram per kilogram of body weight, for dogs to have a severe reaction, so even a single piece of xylitol gum in a small dog can have disastrous effects.35 The effect also happens quickly, anywhere from 10 minutes to 12 hours after ingestion, so if you know or suspect your pet has ingested any product containing xylitol, seek help immediately from a veterinarian.36


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