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368 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
United States
Please send all submissions and inquiries by email to Produce Purchasing at produce@naturalgrocers.com
Every item needs to be submitted along with a copy of your current USDA Organic Certificate, including the certifier’s list of approved organic products. The certificate alone is not sufficient for us to approve you as a vendor.
We require a $1,000,000 minimum insurance rider with Natural Grocers listed as the covered party. Please be ready to provide this covered-party certificate as part of the approval process.
We require delivery of the product to our stores. We depend largely on national and regional produce wholesale distributors since we do not operate our own perishables distribution center. As part of your submission, please present your plan for direct store delivery.
We look forward to working with you. Thanks for submitting your products to us. Please visit our 100% Organic Produce Standards page to learn more.
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