Letter From the Iselys - March 2023

As the days get longer and the daffodils start showing their bright blooms, we can imagine Spring herself whispering, "cheer up, I'm almost here!" And it's just such joyous optimism we hope to infuse into our celebration of another March feature—Women's History Month! Because it's the kind of feeling our own history-making woman, our co-founder Margaret Isely, brought to every room.


Margaret Isely - Letter From the Iselys - March 2023


Margaret was a woman who opened her arms and embraced life. Not with a blindness to its hardships and injustices, but rather because she had so much love inside her, it was too big to keep to herself. So, she opened her arms and let its healing power out.

She believed people mattered; who you are, what you do, how you think—it mattered to her. And she lived what she believed: that everyone she met was worthy of love and belonging. Her joyous optimism wasn't a fairytale sentiment floating above the world's struggles, but rather a deeply rooted connection to what it means to be human. And how a fierce belief in the good that is possible may be the only way to make it happen at all.

Margaret, in the words of those who knew her best, "lived the life that made a difference." It's a difference that can be seen throughout the way we operate Natural Grocers today. And when we're celebrating Women's History Month, we can't do so without a tribute to how she shaped us as a family and as your neighborhood healthy grocery store.

So, to all the women whose fierceness, grit, optimism, and love shapes our stories, improves our communities, and in ways both seen and unseen, changes history… Thank You. Women’s History Month is about many things that loom larger than our daily existence, but it’s how you live a life that make a difference every day that leaves the biggest impression on our hearts.

And now, neighbors, we hope you enjoy your journey through the pages of this magazine. It’s packed with great deals, informative and fun reading about nutrition and health, and some special highlights of brands where women take the lead. We’re guessing Margaret would recommend taking it outside to read if you can, so you can breathe in the crisp air and hear the gentle whisper of Spring.

The Isely Family