Letter From the Iselys - July 2024

Ode to Summer

In July...
Some days, we sleep in because school is out and summer nights are long. We eat our breakfast slowly on the back porch, enjoying the soft morning sunshine and savoring every bite. We take our coffee iced, and sometimes, we even make sun tea.


Image of a bowl of organic cherries


In July…
We relish cracking open a watermelon and realizing we picked the perfect one—its insides are firm and vibrant, melting in our mouths with the just-right level of juicy sweetness. And we remember that old saying about life and a bowl of cherries as we sample the dish of ruby fruit sitting on the kitchen counter, reminding us to delight in the small things.


In July…
We explore. We try new foods, see new sights, and have friendly conversations with strangers that remind us how much we humans all have in common. And once in a while, we wander deep into the mountains, the woods, or along unspoiled coastline. We listen to birds and bees, to aspen leaves and pine needles making breezy music, to rivers rippling and waves crashing… and we feel a deep reverence for this planet we call home. We feel a renewed sense of urgency about taking better care of her. We feel gratitude.


In July…
We realize that every day isn’t lazy mornings and long, fun-filled evenings. It’s not all a bowl of cherries. Still, as we pause at the end of a fine summer day, watching the dusk gently fade into dark, we think that a day well spent working on things that we believe in, loving the people we love, and enjoying the season’s bounty of familiar delights, well, that’s good enough. In fact, it’s pretty near perfect in a world filled with turmoil, but with so much wonder, too.

We hope, neighbors, that you also find your own good enough version of life in July.

The Isely Family