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The long days of summer tend to mean more—more picnics, more gatherings, more gardening, more biking, more days at the pool, more camping trips and generally more fun—and all on top of your already full schedule. Looks like you’re going to need more energy this summer. To get that extra boost you need for all your summer fun, consider reaching for a few tried-and-true supplements that offer steady, long-lasting energy.
When many people think of boosting their energy, caffeine is likely the first thing that comes to mind. While caffeine will give you a quick boost, the lift comes not from more energy, but from a dampening of adenosine, the compound that normally tells your brain you’re tired. With adenosine out of the way, your natural stimulating compounds can work more freely, but the lift you get from caffeine is only as good as the stimulating compounds you already have on hand. So if you haven’t been giving your body the nutrients it needs to make those energizing compounds, or if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends too long, the effects of caffeine won’t be as great.[fn value=1][/fn]Beyond that, the more you rely on caffeine, the more likely you are to build up a tolerance, and eventually its energy-giving benefits become less and less pronounced. If you’re one who likes your caffeine with a hefty dose of sugar (like a soda or a sugary latte), you’ll also have the long term energy-depleting effects of sugar to deal with. Those sugar highs come with marked lows, not to mention they increase your risk of nearly every chronic disease.
So instead of reaching for that quick hit of energy, set yourself up to feel a nice steady supply of energy that will get you through the long, fun-filled days of summer, by giving your body what it actually needs to produce energy on a cellular level. Start with a healthy diet and then enhance it with these critical energy-producing nutrients.
A good old b-complex is an excellent place to start for energy support, because to make energy you must have an adequate supply of most of the b-vitamins. One or more of the b-vitamins is involved in every aspect of the energy-generating process within the cells.[fn value=2][/fn] We also tend to burn through these important vitamins when we are under stress, even when the stress is the good kind, like having too much fun! To get the most out of your b-complex, look for one that supplies the b-vitamins in their coenzyme or active form so they are ready to be used by the body.
Coenzyme Q10, more commonly referred to as CoQ10, is a fat-soluble antioxidant that plays a critical role in energy production in nearly every cell of the body. Quite simply put, without it we could not produce energy to fuel our daily activities, nor fuel the daily metabolic functions our bodies must maintain, such as digesting, detoxifying and keeping the heart beating. While the body does make its own CoQ10, production begins to decline around the age of 40, and there are a variety of things that can interfere with optimal production at any age. Supplemental CoQ10 also helps improve endurance and supports balanced energy levels during physical activities.[fn value=3][/fn] [fn value=4][/fn]
The body uses magnesium in over 300 biochemical reactions, including making energy from the carbohydrates and fats we eat. But only 43% of Americans get enough of this important mineral through their diet each day, making supplementation important for most.[fn value=5][/fn] In one small study, post-menopausal women who consumed a magnesium-deficient diet required more oxygen and energy to do basic activities (meaning, these tasks felt harder) than they did when they consumed a diet with adequate magnesium.[fn value=6][/fn] Long recognized as a calming mineral, magnesium may also support more restful sleep and a healthy mood, which also leads to better energy.
Once you’ve covered the basic energy-producing needs, you might want to support yourself with some additional nutrients to meet your specific needs.
If you are the stressed-out type, consider adding some adaptogenic herbs such as American ginseng, eleuthero (formerly known as Siberian ginseng), rhodiola, and ashwaganda. Adaptogenic herbs are tonics that help to restore balance and strength to the body as a whole. They are particularly helpful during times of stress, and the above mentioned herbs also support healthy energy levels. Consider taking one or a combination of these herbs regularly for several months, as their benefits are best obtained over time.
If you are the weekend warrior type, consider trying some beetroot juice. Beets are an excellent source of naturally-occurring nitrate, which is metabolized in the body into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide signals the blood vessels to relax, thus enhancing blood flow. Recently it has gained much attention as a means to enhance physical performance, both in trained athletes and un-trained average Joes and Janes. Beetroot juice appears to improve exercise tolerance and extend the time it takes to fatigue when exercising.[fn value=7][/fn] [fn value=8][/fn] [fn value=9][/fn] [fn value=10][/fn]Two cups of beetroot juice supplies the amount of nitrate found to be beneficial in most studies, but you can also simplify your life by adding a beetroot juice powder supplement to your daily routine. Follow the directions given on the product you choose.
Unlike energy drinks and other quick-fix energy products that leave you wired and then eventually more tired than when you began, supporting the body with the nutrients it needs to produce energy is a safe and effective way to enhance your energy levels so you can do more of the things you love this summer.
At Natural Grocers you’ll see a limited number of “energy” products on our shelves. That’s because we feel very strongly about the quality and safety of the products we carry. We carefully screen our energy products to avoid those that rely on high amounts of stimulants that may be dangerous to some and certainly don’t provide the long term energy-promoting benefits we know will make you feel your best today and in the future. For more information on what ingredients and products we won’t carry and why, click here. For more information on how to create lasting energy check out this article.
Now I’d like to hear from you. What lifestyle habits, foods and/or supplements have you found beneficial for giving you sustained energy?
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