Balance Your Hormones Naturally with Vitex

Certain times of the year matters of the heart are more apparent. Unfortunately for many women February is far from a bed of roses. Instead it merely brings to the forefront their everyday struggles of living with a major hormonal imbalance. Vitex can help.

Elevated levels of the hormone prolactin are associated with PMS, menstrual irregularities, and infertility. The flavonoids and essential fatty acids in vitex bind to dopamine receptors in the brain, subsequently decreasing overall prolactin levels, according to Aviva Romm, MD, and author of Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health.iii iv This dopagenic activity makes vitex an effective treatment for women suffering from PMS-related mood swings, anxiety, depression, tender breasts, food cravings, headaches, and acne associated with high prolactin levels.v vi  

Caitlin O’Connor, ND at All Families Natural Health in Denver, Colorado, explains its role in promoting healthy hormone levels in her patients, “I use vitex to harmonize the relationship between the brain and ovaries, known as the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, or HPO. When this axis is working well, it promotes healthy ovulation patterns. I recommend vitex when there is any irregular ovulation pattern, indicated by an irregular or absent menstrual cycle. It’s helpful for normalizing cycles after times of stress, hormonal change, or the use of hormonal birth control.” 

Vitex also supports healthy estrogen-to-progesterone ratios in the body and increases progesterone levels.vii viii Painful, absent, heavy or irregular periods, as well as infertility, are all symptoms of luteal insufficiency—insufficient production of progesterone and estrogen dominance during the second half of a woman’s cycle, or the luteal phase. Studies show that after three months of vitex therapy luteal phases were normalized, luteal progesterone increased, and prolactin release was reduced.ix  

Shelley Torgove, a clinical herbalist, relies on vitex’s ability to relieve PMS and lengthen menstrual cycles in her practice. “I find vitex especially helpful for women with PMS who have shorter menstrual cycles, between 21-26 days. These women really suffer with PMS due to either a shortened luteal phase where progesterone levels are not sufficient or in instances where ovulation is occurring early because the follicle and egg are not maturing,” she says. “With vitex I see women with long standing cycle irregularities begin to ovulate normally.”

Available in capsule, tea, or tincture form, the greatest benefits can be seen when taken consistently for 3-6 months at doses between 500-1,000 mg. When our hormones are in balance they can simply, yet profoundly, enhance our vitality and overall sense of wellbeing. Let vitex help you lead a more balanced life!


References available upon request